During these days where we’re all out pounding the pavement, better be sure you’ve got enough business cards. Well, it just so happens that Free Agency Creative has an antique letterpress in the studio for situations such as these. Actually, we like to use it for more than just cards, but today we kept it simple with this one colour job using magnesium dies and typeset in Blender from Die Gestalten Verlag.
The letterpress has always been a passion of mine. Jim Rimmer, my early design school mentor, found it for me in 1997, and after 8 months of repairs I had my own press. I have also enjoyed sharing my passion for letterpress with students at Emily Carr University and Langara College. Most recently, Kristin Liu brought her class in from Langara’s design program for a 4 hour workshop on Free Agency’s press.
For the next few days the studio will smell of that glorious aroma all designers love, ink and paint thinner. Then it will be gone and all that will be left is the steady hum of the x-serve on the rack beside it.
Don Williams